
Events in Fort Lauderdale | A Prelude to Halloween The “cooler” weather has finally arrived in South Florida. I write this with a sense of trepidation (and fingers crossed), for this is my favorite time of the year. I akin this time of year to the moment when the hibernating bear realizes it is time to wake up from a long winter's sleep. With that all said, what a great time to head outside to events in Fort Lauderdale As it is October, and nationwide it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month the 9th annual Glam Doll Strut takes place this weekend in  Esplanade Park. Shades of pink will be adorned by all participants who join in this shout out to cure this destructive disease. This worthy cause commences at 11 am and comes its conclusion at 3 pm. The entry fee is $45 and of course, the fee is tax deductible. Heading slightly south to Hollywood…


Events In Hollywood The art of glassblowing is traditionally not associated within the shores of South Florida. One is more likely to view a skilled craftsman performing his art in the ancient cities of Venice and Milan. Ah alas, this centuries old technique can be found just down the road from Fort Lauderdale. This craft is one of the topics of my discussion this week’s events in Hollywood. On most Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays evenings between the hours of 7 pm and 10 pm there is a free glassblowing demonstration at a studio in the Visual Arts Pavilion. This studio is located in the heart of Hollywood, at Youngs Circle, in the ArtsPark. I would suggest confirming the times and dates of this event in Hollywood by contacting 954.732.7231.