Wilton Manors Green Market

By marina-sarabia June 27, 2014

Wilton Manors Green MarketWilton Manors Green Market

Wilton Manors, Florida

June 28th and 29th

Looking for something to do this weekend with your family? This Saturday and Sunday Wilton Manors will be hosting a Green Market. This event will be held at the Wilton Manors City Hall parking lot, 2020 Wilton Drive. The Green Market will begin at 9 am and conclude around 2 pm. The price for admission for this event is free and there will be free parking in the parking lot across the street from the Green Market. The Wilton Manors Green Market will have a wide variety of products to choose from. This Green Market is unique, because you will have the opportunity to sample the products, which will help benefit you when trying to decide which product you would like to purchase. Some of the items that will be available at this event include local organic produce, homemade desserts, fresh homemade soups, cheeses, and coffee.

Most of the produce at the Wilton Manors Green Market is organic and if you aren’t sure which items are or aren’t, just look for the organic certification. If you don’t see the organic certification you can ask someone who is working and they will be glad to assist you. The staff is always helpful and they want to make sure you are informed on what you are purchasing. The vendor in charge of the organic produce hand picks and crates the produce himself, so you can guarantee that you are purchasing the freshest fruits and vegetables available. 

So bring your family and friends and come on out to support your local farmers at the Wilton Manors Green Market.

If you would like to know more about the Wilton Manors Green Market please feel free to call (954) 531-5363.